Haiti in Crisis… Food is Desperately Needed
Haiti continues to endure more than its share of natural disasters and political instability, making it the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. Once again, they are in the news for all the wrong reasons as the country is in CRISIS.
People sometimes ask me what’s the point if things are so bad? Well families like Madeline’s, who had to flee to a rural town with her four boys, are desperately in need of food for survival. I am regularly receiving emails and texts from partners and people we work with pleading for help and requesting our prayers and financial support. That is why I am asking for your emergency help with the current food crisis.

Madeline and her four boys

Speroway has been working mainly outside the major cities, like in the region of Pignon in the middle of the country. In these rural regions the children are still able to go to school and move around freely but now people cannot go far out of the region without encountering areas of violence. Unfortunately, with the addition of all the people fleeing from the cities, pressure on the food supply in rural areas has increased exponentially. One partner wrote last night:
Things are very bad in the capital, businesses have been destroyed, schools there are closed. But God has spared us, and our community is calm. We have been receiving a lot of refugees. This causes more shortage of food. Many households that were living in small, cramped housing now have more people living with them. Your prayers and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Right now Speroway is still able to purchase food in the country, but we must act now as supplies are harder to get and food prices are increasing. We need to purchase as much as we can for the people we serve in these regions quickly. Families like Maria and her two girls, whom I have visited in the past, depend on outside support to feed their families. As you can see from their home they have very little. That is why our school and community feeding programs along with home delivery of cooking supplies are vital for families like Maria’s.

I have been visiting Haiti for over 25 years and have witnessed first-hand many of the most turbulent times. Following many of those trips we have requested your support to help with feeding programs, education and housing needs and you have responded and made a huge difference in thousands of people lives.