Our Current Appeals

Feeding Programs

 Hunger Doesn’t Take a Holiday

 Summer in Canada is well underway and for many of us this means some kind of vacation, family outings, camping or just time off to relax. For millions of children living in poverty, who rely on a school meal as their only source of food, that meal no longer exists when school is out for…

a woman with two kids sitting

 Will you help these mothers feed their families? 

 At this time of the year when we celebrate mothers, I am thankful to still have my mother with us in her 90th year. I am reminded and greatly appreciative of how she always did her utmost for her five children. Around the world people celebrate Mother’s Day on different days but what is the…

a woman with two little girls

 Haiti in Crisis… Food is Desperately Needed 

Haiti continues to endure more than its share of natural disasters and political instability, making it the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. Once again, they are in the news for all the wrong reasons as the country is in CRISIS. People sometimes ask me what’s the point if things are so bad? Well families…