
Jiquilillo Nutrition Program
Family Food Baskets
Speroway helps to provide proper nutrition and support to families and children in Jiquilillo.
Speroway works with the community to identify families in need of regular nutritional support. In doing this, we help to deliver family food baskets, which are loaded with nutritious food staples.
By delivering the food directly to their homes, we are given the opportunity to identify other challenges or needs within these homes and work to better support them.
School Nutrition Support
Speroway also helps to support feeding programs in school. Nutritious meals give children the energy they need to focus and learn and motivate their parents to keep their children in school. School feeding programs not only supply educational and health benefits but contribute to gender equality, food security, and poverty alleviation—all in a single intervention.
In Jiquilillo, Speroway helps provide nutrition snacks for ESL and Computer Students who often arrive thirsty and hungry from their day in school and supports supplementing the local school lunch program with protein and nutritional support.

Jiquilillo Nicaragua Vocational School
English as a Second Language
It has been said that "English is a career."
We provide comprehensive English language instruction to students ages 5 and older through a combination of teacher-led lessons, youth-led projects, and conversational opportunities with English-speaking volunteers. Through high-quality English language training, this program assists students in attaining proficiency in English and broadening their cultural awareness for success in their academic, professional, and personal pursuits.
When a child begins to learn English, skills such as creativity, self-esteem, and increases in independence and autonomy start to emerge beyond the increases in brain development that occur due to learning a second language. For the future of the children and young people in Nicaragua, learning English is one of the easiest ways to get employed. Tourism is still the best opportunity to pull Nicaragua out of its low-world UN status. In Jiquilillo, there are local tourist businesses that need to hire people that speak English.
Computer Courses
With the increasing need for technology in our world, basic computer skills are essential.
Speroway supports and operates a Computer Learning Program, which helps teach students how to use a computer and basic programs. The skills that are focused on include learning common work-related programs, how to solve common computer issues and how to install common computer programs.

Medical and Dental Clinic and Outreach
Speroway provides medical support, maternal care, vaccinations and education to reduce infant, child and maternal mortality rates. Staffed by Nicaraguan nurses, the clinic serves approximately 40 people a day. Health issues can dramatically impact families' daily living activities to support themselves. Better health support leads to better opportunities to alleviate the impacts of poverty.
The medical clinic at Jiquilillo provides medical attention to people from Jiquilillo, Los Zorros, Padre Ramos, and Las Salinas communities (around 5,000 people), people in the communities receive medical attention on General Attention, Family Planning Child Growth Control, Prenatal Control and Chronic Patients. In 2019 the medical centre gave medical attention to 2639 people from Jiquilillo and communities around.
Home Building Projects
Nicaragua has one of the highest housing deficits in Central America, with over 78% of the population living in inadequate homes or homeless. Lack of adequate housing causes families to live with a constant burden of uncertainty, stress and fear. Safe and decent shelter provides an opportunity for families to break generational cycles of poverty and build better, healthier, and more stable lives.
Speroway is raising funds to support the relocation and safe and adequate housing for low-income families in Jiquilillo, Nicaragua and surrounding areas.
Each home is built with a metal roof, windows and doors, interior walls and eco-friendly latrines. The homes are built with strong foundations and walls, as Nicaragua experiences regular earthquakes and tremors.