Where Most Needed
With so many needs around the world, it can be hard to decide where your money can have the greatest impact. That's why a gift to the Where Most Needed fund is a great choice.
Whether it is providing meals for children in Kenya and the Dominican Republic, strengthening healthcare systems in El Salvador, increasing education and life skills training for women and girls in Haiti, or delivering life-saving emergency relief, you can be confident that your gift will be put to good use where it's most needed.
We are dedicated to helping disadvantaged communities everywhere reach their full potential and build integrated and long-lasting solutions to poverty. Stewardship is an integral part of everything we do. Help us respond quickly to the urgent needs of our partner communities for long-term solutions to fight poverty by giving to where it's most needed.
Speroway's Programs
Hunger Doesn’t Take a Holiday
Summer in Canada is well underway and for many of us this means some kind of vacation, family outings, camping or just time off to relax. For millions of children living in poverty, who rely on a school meal as their only source of food, that meal no longer exists when school is out for…
Join us today to help fight Child Malnutrition
At Speroway I am leading our team to look at priorities and goals that will also better serve and provide help for those less fortunate. The global increase in food prices has made many staple food items double and triple in price making it nearly impossible for many families to be able to feed their…
Will There Be Food at My School This Year?
At Sproway our core values are compassion, love and services to others. These values guide us in everything we do and through your support we are able to extend a helping hand to some of the world’s most vulnerable children. It is that time of year again when children around the world head back to…
Emergency: Devastating Food Crisis in Haiti
We need your support in addressing the devastating food crisis that has gripped the beautiful nation of Haiti. The situation is dire, with gangs controlling major towns and ports, making it extremely challenging to transport food and essential supplies to those who need them the most. However, with our partners on the ground and with…
Jump to Haiti UCI Public School Mission of Hope Haiti Donate Now to Haiti Programs During the emergency-relief phase after Haiti’s earthquake in 2010, Speroway was there. Speroway continues to work in the country and provides nutritious meals through school feeding, orphan sponsorship, and student sponsorship programs. We also support education and health programs through…
Hopeway Canada Food Program
Canadian Programs Jump to Hopeway Canada Food Program Canadian Feeding Programs Hopeway Canada Food Program Speroway supports many communities in need across Canada, including Indigenous communities, refugees, and other vulnerable groups. Through volunteers and nearly 100 partners across the country-food banks, community centres, meal programs, women and children shelters, churches, and schools-Speroway distributes food (fresh…
Jump to Nutrition Vocational School Medical and Dental Home Building Nicaragua Donate Now to Nicaragua Programs Click here to see more photos of our programs in Nicaragua Jiquilillo Nutrition Program Family Food Baskets Speroway helps to provide proper nutrition and support to families and children in Jiquilillo. Speroway works with the community to identify families…
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic Donate Now to Dominican Republic Programs School Feeding: To many the Dominican Republic is seen as a tropical vacation spot. While this is true, what many people miss is the poverty and desperation in communities not far from resorts. In one of such communities with our partners in New Jerusalem not far from…
Malawi Jump to Food and Nutrition Program Agricultural Training Donate Now to Malawi Programs Malawi Programs Speroway’s feeding programs focus on the most vulnerable in Malawi. Alongside our partners, we provide nearly 80,000 nutritious meals monthly through hundreds of schools, churches, and community-based centres. We empower locals through agricultural training and partner with rural healthcare…
Home of Grace
Home of Grace Care Centre Donate Now to Home of Grace Home of Grace Care Centre Speroway supports orphaned and disadvantaged children and youth through the Home of Grace care center in rural western Kenya by providing a safe and loving environment, daily nutritious meals, access to medical care, and education.Children at Home of Grace…
Wezesha Education Foundation
Wezesha Education Foundation Donate Now to Wezesha Education Foundation Wezesha Education Foundation Wezesha provides scholarships and mentoring to academically gifted, destitute young people to support their education from high school through university. In Swahili, Wezesha is the word for ’empower.’ We aim to empower motivated young people to use their skills to help others and…