Join us today to help fight Child Malnutrition 

 At Speroway I am leading our team to look at priorities and goals that will also better serve and provide help for those less fortunate. The global increase in food prices has made many staple food items double and triple in price making it nearly impossible for many families to be able to feed their children. This has also put enormous pressure on our food programs and as we head into the new year, we know we are going to be short over $200,000 and need to find new sources of funding or cut programs. 

I would like to suggest two areas where by working together we will be able to continue these vital programs. First, we are asking if you would consider a special gift to help with the food shortfall. 

 Second, we are hoping that you would consider becoming a monthly donor. Monthly donations are so important for planning and assuring we can provide food to schools, community and church feeding programs, malnutrition supplements and vitamins along with delivery of home cooking supplies. 

On a recent trip to Nicaragua, the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, I met with Damaris, a mother of two children pictured on theenvelope – Carolina who is 3 and Edgar who is 1½ .

On the day I met her we were delivering food and assessing malnutrition issues with children in one of the communities we work in. We were concerned when learning that her daughter Carolina at 3 was smaller than her 1½ yr. old brother Edgar. Unfortunately, Damaris’ husband who was a fisherman went missing at sea leaving her with no job and great difficulty to take care of her children.

We were able to leave her with cooking supplies and immediately entered the children in our malnutrition program. The next day we took her to the local clinic where the children got a check-up and were supplied food supplements and vitamins. This Speroway program also helps train young mothers with theimportance of nutrition and how to best support their children’s growth anddevelopment.

This Nicaragua Speroway program is a good example of how we often work in a community. Damaris will get food, training and healthcare support for her and her two children.

She lives in a community that we help with lunch programs at school where both of her children will soon be able to get a good nutritious meal. Theremote beach community also benefits from community feeding programs through community centers and a local church.

None of this is possible without your support.